Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Everyone is unique, so is our nutritional requirements. Thanks to this company you can have your customized nutrition program just for you.

Everyone is unique, so is our nutritional requirements. Thanks to this company you can have your customized nutrition program just for you.

Herb Ratsch just posted a new IBO AUTHENTIC Press Release titled My life has been full of terrible misfortunes most of which never happened. Pl

Herb Ratsch just posted a new IBO AUTHENTIC Press Release titled My life has been full of terrible misfortunes most of which never happened. Pl

Gloria S | Online Business Profile

Gloria S | Online Business Profile

My Fitness Journey – The Very Beginning

I wasn't always a health and fitness enthusiast.  Click on the link below and read my story:
My Fitness Journey – The Very Beginning

Body Beast

For the next 90 days of Body Beast, you need to do just 2 things
1. Follow Your Body Beast Workout Calendar. You’ll do a different workout every day—less than an hour a day—6 days a week. Every workout is designed to take you one visible step closer to the total body transformation you’ll see by Day 90 using Dynamic Set Training.

2. Follow Your Body Beast Eating Plan. No stress. No guesswork. We’ve done the research for you, so all you have to to…is eat. And this is no starvation diet. You have to feed your body right if you want to burn fat and build lean muscle.
CLICK Body Beast and learn more

Insanity Series

Here are some insanely tough workouts to add into your rotation! Not only are they challenging, but they will leave you drenching in sweat. Make the commitment to yourself to complete the program and you will experience amazing results. Trust me, you will be glad you did.

CLICK Insanity Series to learn more

P90X Series

If you are looking for extreme workouts that deliver results, then you are in the right place. The P90X programs are all about intensity. Tony Horton delivers programs that are exciting and will challenge your fitness level.  Getting started is the hard part.  However, as the weeks go by, you will be amazed by the strength you gain and how your conditioning and fitness level improves.

CLICK P90X Series and learn more


PiYo isn’t like standard Pilates and yoga classes that make you hold long, intense poses, or lead you through dozens of repetitive, microscopic core movements. PiYo speeds everything up—including your results—by introducing you to dynamic, flowing sequences that can burn serious calories at the same time as they lengthen and tone your muscles and increase your flexibility.

CLICK PiYo and learn more